Thursday, September 25, 2008

Odd musings of a burnt out floor refinisher

I've started to wonder if Bush is into instant messaging. It might explain some things. I'm picturing the scene circa late 2001, early 2002...

BushWhacker: Yo wuzzup?
SaddamTheMan: Yo dude.
BushWhacker: How's things in Bagdad
SaddamTheMan: You know the usual...mass murder here, oppression there...totally hot chicks throwing themselves at get away from the dogs...
BushWhacker: ROTFL
BushWhacker: Dude, you know how to live! What else you been up to?
SaddamTheMan: Dude, I gotta tell you about this one. It's freakin awesmew
BushWhacker: what?
SaddamTheMan: I gots some new WMD (editorial note: he meant "White Monkey Donut", his favorite ska band)
SaddamTheMan: That shit's the bomb yo!
BushWhacker: oh shit, Cheney was right...ttyl
SaddamTheMan: ttyl

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My fortune today...

What does this mean for me? It doesn't seem that there's much secret about how much I want the big changes in my life to take place ASAP.

Is there something else? I open the floor to comments.

Of course I've tried the " bed" and "...with a turkey baster" tricks, and the first has potential...though it sounds a little too much like the cookie is telling me to change teams....which doesn't appeal to me.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Balanced coverage at its best...

I took this screenshot a while back because the juxtaposition of the two stories just struck me as too damn funny. I'm finally getting around to blogging about it.

"Berlin awaits the 'Next JFK'"...a story of Obama's "historic" visit to Berlin.

"McCain visits grocery store"...a story of McCain's "historic" visit to a grocery store.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Visual Studio 2008 middle mouse button autoscrolling

Well this is probably of no interest to any of the frequent readers (haha) of my blog, but I discovered something interesting just now. Apparently the middle mouse button "autoscrolling" does not work in Visual Studio 2008 when you run it as administrator in Vista.

I had set my program files shortcut for VS2008 to always run as administrator (necessary for some IIS stuff). I had also always been disappointed that the autoscroll functions did not seem to work.

Anyway, I finally put two and two together and tried running VS2008 normally, at which point the autoscrolling worked again!